by PoolSide News | May 7, 2018 | Backyard Living
Father’s Day is just around the corner! It’s Sunday, June 17. What can you do with, and for your dad, to make this the most fun and entertaining and relaxing Father’s Day that your dad has ever had? We have a few suggestions that Dad is sure to love....
by PoolSide News | May 7, 2018 | On The Grill
National Burger Day?! Sign. Us. Up! When it comes to summertime eating and entertaining, nothing says summer like grilling up burgers in the backyard. We wondered when National Burger Day (which is May 28) got its start, why and what some burger traditions might be....
by PoolSide News | May 7, 2018 | Fun In The Pool
June means summer vacation for many school age children and college age kids. Does it also mean a family vacation? That’s fun, right?! Of course it is! What if you have a swimming pool, though? Can you simply pack up the family, head out on the family vacation...
by PoolSide News | Apr 13, 2018 | Latest Post 7
Chances are you’ve heard the wives tales of dads who “taught” their children to swim by simply pushing them off a pier or dropping them into a swimming pool. “Sink or swim” was the mantra that went with the wives tales. Well, we know now...
by PoolSide News | Apr 13, 2018 | Latest Post 6
Everyone can agree that swimming is a great way to get, and stay, in shape, right? What if you don’t have the money or more importantly, the yard space, to devote to a traditional swimming pool? Does that mean you can’t get in shape, and stay in shape, in...