Have you noticed that many of your neighbors are already decorating for Halloween? Or maybe they are decorating for autumn — but in our minds, it’s one in the same! If you’re like many people you love a good Halloween bash. It’s not too soon to plan for Halloween especially if you’re planning a backyard party or even a swimming pool or hot tub party!
You may be deep into the weather, depending on where you live, by the time October 31 rolls around, but if you’re a hearty soul and your friends are too, you can host a Halloween bash that your friends and family will talk about until next year! We know that coronavirus and the pandemic have lead to many changes in the way we gather with friends and family. If you host a Halloween party, you will want to make sure you do it safely and in accordance with the regulations where you live.
BUT now back to the party planning!
It’s Not Too Soon To Plan For Halloween!
We know that in our last newsletter we talked about getting ready to close the pool, but if you knew you wanted to have a Halloween pool party, if you have a pool water heater or if you live in the area of the country where the temperatures will still lend themselves to pool time and bathing suits let’s get to planning.

Here are tips for hosting a Halloween party that will have friends, family and neighbors talking for many months after the party has passed
Halloween party fun
Your friends and family may have fun simply being at your house on Halloween, but you need to amp up the fun! Don’t let people hang out alone in the corner. Get everyone involved.
Before you do this, you need to decide whether you’re having a party with all adults, adults and children or for the children and the adults are welcome to participate.
Pumpkin carving station. Plan a contest for the pumpkin carving — funniest, scariest, most unique, etc. Buy some child-friendly carving utensils and have enough adults on hand to help the children. Buy some stencils, paints and glitter, “googly” eyes and other items to use to decorate the pumpkin to give it some extra oomph.
Stock up on battery-operated candles so the carved pumpkins can be safely lit.
Keep the pumpkin seeds and clean them off, sprinkle them with salt and pop them in the oven. There is nothing better than freshly cooked pumpkin seeds.
If you’re hosting a costume party make sure everyone knows and everyone who wants to dress up and participate is welcome to!
Consider these categories:
- Scariest
- Funniest
- Coolest
- Most unique
- Best use of a theme
- Trendiest
Give a grab bag of Halloween candies to all participants and a bigger goodie bag for the winner.
Is the pool still open? Then host a swimming pool treasure hunt. Drop items into the pool and whoever finds the most items wins a prize. Turn on the inpool lighting and remove any floating candles. Give guests who are in the pool glo sticks and help the younger set find the treasures.
Halloween pool party supplies matter
Remember, Halloween is allllll about the fun, spooky decorations and costumes! Here are places you will want to decorate and some party supply ideas

- Your swimming pool and hot tub and outdoor living space deserves decorating
- Decorations: skeletons, coffins, webs and spiders, headstones, inflatable decorations, candles, smoke machines/dry ice, scarecrows and crows
- Pumpkins — carved and ready to be carved. Invite your guests to carve and decorate their own!
- Orange and black light bulbs to set the mood for the outdoor space
- Floating candles for the pool
- Halloween music, spooky sound effects and themed music
- Halloween snacks and treats (“eyeballs” (peeled grapes), “dirt and worms cupcakes” (crumbled cookies and gummy worms in the frosting and “bloody” drinks (tomato juice, red grape juice)
- Flashlights and/or glo sticks
- A runway for the costume contest judging area
Pool party safety matters
If the party is at night, consider all areas that will require lighting and get them lit.
Know how many people are in the pool at one time and assign a responsible adult to keep track of not only the adults but the children. Depending on the number of people in the pool, you may need more than one adult. Don’t forget to ask guests to bring life vests for their children and have a few extra on hand for those who forget.
Candles are beautiful, but they are a fire hazard especially to children or anyone dressed in a long, flowing outfit (like a costume!) Use battery-operated candles and lights as often as you can for safety’s sake.
Check all pool inflatables and floats before your party, make sure they are in good condition and have no leaks.
Additional towels aren’t a safety matter, but have a few on hand for those who don’t bring one. If it’s chilly, toss the towels in the dryer to warm them up — yo ur guests will appreciate that special touch.
Memory-making Halloween pool bash
Time spent in and around the pool is always great for making memories. When you add in a Halloween party — you are sure to have a night your guests will long remember.
Have instant cameras or disposable cameras on hand and take a LOT of photos. If you have the instant cameras you can take photos and display them on a table by the food. Let your guests take home photos they are in so they can remember the party long after it’s done. s for lasting memories for all who are invited.
Take the time to decorate your yard and any pathways your guests will make to and from your house and into the backyard. Start the experience early!
Halloween party food matters
Plan the menu for the party. You can cook up Halloween themed foods and treats or you can leave the Halloween themes to the cupcakes and candies and cake!
Serve foods off Halloween themed plates. Buy tiny pumpkin decoratuions and fill them with dips.
If friends and family ask if they can contribute to the food, let them know what’s on the menu and see if they want to choose something from there or bring their own specialty dish.
Don’t forget trick or treating
Halloween is on a Saturday this year so you need to decide whether you want to have your party on that day or a weekend before. That may depend on whether your guests have children who will want to trick or treat. Remember you can have the kiddies at your party trick or treat in your neighborhood — mention that to your guests. Keep in mind, though many young trick or treaters visit family members like aunts, uncles and grandparents and being at your house may not make that possible. Consider that and talk with guests who have children and see what they feel might be a better date.
Above all — have a spooooooky good Halloween pool party!