Did you know the number one resolution at the start of every year is “lose weight”? The reason for that is that we have let ourselves indulge during the holidays and enjoy foods we don’t usually have throughout the year. We add alcohol to the mix with its empty calories and then if you live in an area of the country that is cold and snowing you are just not getting the exercise necessary to burn off the additional calories you’re consuming. It’s a vicious cycle!

If you want to lose weight this year, but don’t want to sign up for a restrictive diet program, why not turn to your grill (even if it’s an indoor one) to help with your weight loss in a delicious way. When you grill your food you are adding in the naturally delicious flavor that grilling imparts without adding additional calories or compromising any flavor.

When you compare grilling to other food prep methods, you’ll find that grilling meats will impart a delicious taste and you can eliminate the need to add any fats to the food prep.  If you compare the taste, for example, of a burger cooked indoors to one that is grilled, you know that the grilled burger has a heightened flavor and that makes it so much more satisfying.

A Few Of Our Favorite Weight Loss Grilling Recipes

 Here are recipes that will help you lose weight. They are quick, delicious and nutritious and what more could you ask for?

New Year's Weight Loss BBQ RecipesBarbecued Citrus Scallops and Corn

Citrus in the marinade is rich in Vitamin C, a great antioxidant that helps your body flush out toxins and free radicals that contribute to weight gain. Don’t let the citrus peels go to waste, if you’re cooking on a coal or charcoal grill, toss the peels onto the grill to impart an added citrus flavor.


 1/3 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (save the peels and toss on the grill — the same for the orange peels)
¼ cup fresh squeezed orange juice
2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons honey
2 cloves minced garlic
¼ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
2 ears of corn, cut crosswise into four pieces
1 ½ lbs. scallops shrimps, peeled and deveined
4 cups cooked brown rice

How to make it
Combine the lime juice, orange juice, soy sauce, honey, garlic, ginger, sugar, coriander seeds, and black pepper. Add the scallops and let them marindate for at least an hour.

Start the grill and get it to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Transfer the scallop mixture to an aluminum pan. Place the corn on the pan. Cover the pan with foil, place on direct heat and allow it to cook for ten minutes. Serve with brown rice or a grilled veggie side.

You can substitute your favorite fish into this to replace, or add to, the scallops. Consider using salmon, perch, shrimp or your other favorite fish.

Grilled Zucchini, Squash and Chicken


The combination of the healthy veggies, the lemon marinade and chicken is a delicious way to help you lose weight. This is a meal that can be enjoyed year round by choosing your favorite veggie or ones that are in season.

 1 whole large lemon, halved
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
4 medium chicken breast fillets
1 small zucchini and/or squash or both, cut into wedges
¼ cup fresh chives

How to make it

  • In a large mixing bowl, grate about 1 tablespoon of lemon zest and squeeze in three tablespoons of lemon juice. Add the olive oil, salt, and pepper and mix well. Transfer 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a cup and set aside.
  • Add the chicken to the lmarinade. Let marinate for about 15 minutes.
  • Preheat the grill to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Throw the lemon peels into the fire if you’re using a charcoal grill.
  • Place the marinated chicken breast and veggie wedges on the hot grill. Cover and cook for 6 minutes. Slice the remaining lemon, flip the chicken breasts and veggie wedges. Give the lemon slices a quick grill then place on top of the chicken breasts. Cook 6 minutes before removing from the grill. Allow the chicken to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Cut the veggie wedges and toss with the remaining lemon juice marinade.
  • Cut the chicken into strips.
  • Garnish with grilled lemon circles
  • Serve with the grilled veggie wedges.

 Grilled Peaches, Apricots or Pineapples with Greek Yogurt


Don’t feel that you have to give up all of the “good stuff” in life because you want to lose weight! Grilling fruits brings out their natural sugars and makes them even more delicious. Add a dollop of greek yogurt flavored with honey and you can satisfy a sweet tooth in a healthy way.


3 ripe peaches or apricots or pineapple slices
2 cups plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup natural, organic honey
Cinnamon powder to taste

How to make it

  • Preheat the outdoor grill
  • Cut the fruit in half, remove the pits or slice the pineapple. Place the peach or apricot halves face down on indirect heat.
  • Combine the Greek yogurt and honey in a small bowl and mix well
  • Grill the fruit for about two minutes. Remove from the grill
  • Place on individual plates, grilled side up.
  • Add a dollop of the Greek yogurt/honey mixture into the center of the peach or apricot or into the center of the pineapple slice.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon powder on the yogurt
  • Enjoy!

What are your favorite go-to grilling recipes?