The Latest Pool Automation Makes Your Pool Easy To Use And More Fun Than Ever

Many of us get a swimming pool so that we can get some exercise the fun way. Of course, a pool in your backyard also serves as a great place for hosting parties with family or friends. If you feel like chilling with just your family, the poolside is a great spot for that too. Yes, a pool is a good addition to any home but if you can really jazz it up with the latest in automation features, that just takes it to a whole new level. Not convinced yet?

Complete computerized automation

With new computerized controls you can control every feature of your yard, even your home from the convenience of your smartphone.

Adjust your lighting to set the mood, activate a variety of spectacular water features, control every aspect of your spa, even set pre-programed times for a combination of functions to automate.  Life in your pool has never been easier.

Pool computer automation also removes the confusion and guess work of having to adjust a variety of valves or through a combination of switches.  Every function can be fully automated and reduced to a single button push. Brilliant!

Amp up your exercising effectiveness

Swimming is great exercise and it lets you give practically every part of your body a good workout. But it can get even better if you just add the right features. Add an automated jet system to the pool and you transform it into your own personal aquatic gym. Jet pumps create a rapid- like environment in your pool and that gives you a proper work out during your swimming sessions. Make sure the jets come with adjustable speed and heating option so that you can also use them for a good massage after your workout.

Automated filter cleaning

Pool owners love the fun, frolic and exercise they can get out of this addition to the home, but they all hate the fact that a lot of hard work goes into maintaining it on a periodic basis. Pool cleaning can be one of the most tedious and energy sapping tasks you ever take and this often prevents you doing it as regularly as you need to. One of the most hated cleaning jobs is filter cleaning. You can handle this with ease by getting this job automated. No more switching off the valves and running pumps. Just adjust the settings and your filter is cleaned thoroughly at a pre- specified time regularly.

Pool cover monitoring and alarm

This is an important safety feature that can give a whole lot of peace of mind particularly if you have frisky pets or curious toddlers in the house. There is really no way you can work pool cover monitoring into your daily schedule and ensure that you keep a regular watch over whether or not the water is safely covered so that the kids or pets can be allowed to play in your backyard. You also want to be sure that, when someone opens the pool cover, you know about it immediately. Both these activities are absolutely critical and there is no room for error. That’s exactly why you need to automate them so that you get an alarm when the cover is being opened and when it is open.

Automatic water top- up

This feature is sure to be a universal favorite with parents of kids who love splashing in the pool. The water level in a pool can dramatically diminish and need topping up when kid dive in and splash around, or have exuberant water fights. There are many others reasons for water loss too but the point is that getting out of the pool to add water can really dampen your enthusiasm for pool time fun. Avoid all of this by getting the water top- up automated so that you can always enjoy the water without having to worry about having to fill it up. Plus, your kids are sure to appreciate the fact that you no longer yell at them when they have a particularly rowdy game of pool basketball or dunking or a passionate water fight that gets everything in the vicinity dripping wet!