by PoolSide News | Jan 5, 2021 | Backyard Living
If you have an outdoor living space you may have decided to have a koi or frog pond as part of your landscaping. Still other swimming pool owners opt for natural swimming pools. These natural pools have a separate pond area that houses water cleaning plants and yes,...
by PoolSide News | Aug 6, 2020 | Fun In The Pool
Did you know that as we age we are more prone to falls? The reason for that could be that our core strength is not as strong as it was when we were younger. Core strength can be built by doing yoga, pilates or other exercises at the gym. Ugh –that sounds...
by PoolSide News | Aug 6, 2020 | Latest Post 4
Who loves to swim? Who loves being in a swimming pool? Who loves to care for and maintain a pool? We know — we had you for the first two questions and lost you on the third, right? Swimming pools can help alleviate your stress and help you relax and get in shape...
by PoolSide News | Jul 6, 2020 | Backyard Living
Meteorologists are predicting sweltering heat and humidity to begin during the Fourth of July weekend and continue on to the week beyond. Heat and humidity have been an issue for some time now for many parts of the country. In fact, Arizona has been seeing days of...
by PoolSide News | Jun 6, 2020 | Latest Post 7
You know you’re supposed to drink a lot of water a day. Last we checked it was 64 ounces per day. That’s a lot of water and let’s face it water is boring. If you have to drink that much it should be something you enjoy and look forward to, right? You...