Swim Safely In Solitude

Swim Safely In Solitude

Let’s say up front we NEVER advocate swimming alone in the pool. That being said, if you want to be alone in the pool make sure there is someone in the house or in the yard or within shouting distance. We get it, there are times when you simply want to swim...
Get The Backyard Autumn-Ready

Get The Backyard Autumn-Ready

Is it really almost Labor Day? Where did summer go? Whew! Time seemed to speed by but that doesn’t mean there still aren’t many days or even weeks left to enjoy swimming. Even if you’re one of those families who close the pool right after Labor Day...
5 Swimming Pool Safety Tips And Devices

5 Swimming Pool Safety Tips And Devices

A swimming pool is exciting, fun and a way to get a healthy lifestyle but without safety measures and devices in place, it could become a dangerous spot for children, pets and even adults. We have put together 5 swimming pool safety tips and devices to consider using...
Water Yoga For Stress Relief

Water Yoga For Stress Relief

Life is stressful. There we said it. You were thinking it. What can you do about it? How can you alleviate your stress, get healthier, happier and more relaxed and easily unwind at the end of the day? Water yoga. If you have ever tried yoga and love it, you will...