by PoolSide News | Jun 5, 2020 | On The Grill
What will you be doing on June 21? Perhaps celebrating Father’s Day?! This is a day set aside to celebrate our fathers, grandfathers and those who have made a difference in our lives as a father figure — whether related by blood or not! If your family is...
by PoolSide News | May 5, 2020 | On The Grill
May 28 is National Burger Day and Memorial Day is May 25. What better time to celebrate summer, family AND burgers than in a celebration that combines all of them!? We can’t think of any reason. Memorial Day & National Burger Day go hand-in-hand like burgers...
by PoolSide News | May 5, 2020 | Latest Post 5
Is there any reason to not be energy efficient with your swimming pool? Probably not, right? Although there is an upfront cost for much of the pool equipment you’d need to upgrade and update your swimming pool to more energy-efficient and ecologically friendly....
by PoolSide News | May 5, 2020 | Backyard Living
Are you a grillmaster or do you share your life with a grillmaster? If that’s the case you know they LOVE their grills, their tools, the food they cook on them and the bragging rights they have when they put a grilled meal onto the table. Grilling has gone...
by PoolSide News | Apr 5, 2020 | Latest Post 7
There is no doubt that your swimming pool is the focal point of your backyard. There is likely nothing you can, or will, put into that space that will rival the pool – nor should it. The landscaping around the swimming pool completes the look of the space and enhances...