How To Prevent Winter Pool Damage

How To Prevent Winter Pool Damage

We’re certainly hoping your swimming pool has been winterized and that it will survive the upcoming winter. We also realize that not all areas of the country are in a deep freeze nor are they dealing with snow and ice. We also know that the weather can change...
Christmas In The Hot Tub!

Christmas In The Hot Tub!

The weather outside may be frightful, but that doesn’t mean you need to sit in the house and complain about it! You can don your swimsuit, throw on your parka and snow boots and dash toward the hot tub! Maybe you won’t want to wear a parka, but if...
Start A Thanksgiving Day Spa Tradition

Start A Thanksgiving Day Spa Tradition

Once the family and your friends have gone home after a wonderful day of togetherness, thankfulness and delicious food, what can you and your significant other, or you on your own do to relax and unwind? How about starting a Thanksgiving day spa tradition? Consider,...
Autumn Swimming Pool Construction Tips

Autumn Swimming Pool Construction Tips

You missed the swimming pool season in 2019, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on swimming pool season 2020. Many swimming pool contractors find that autumn is an ideal time to kick off a pool construction project. Potential new pool owners may benefit...
How Swimming Helps Strengthen Your Core

How Swimming Helps Strengthen Your Core

As we age it gets harder to get up from a chair or from the floor if you’re sitting there playing with your grandbabies! The reason we have a harder time getting up and down is that our core muscles are not as strong as they once were. Your core is just what it...