Swimming Is A Healthy Exercise For Everyone

Swimming Is A Healthy Exercise For Everyone

Oh my aching back (or knees, or hips or… well, you get it!) Everyone knows it is important to get up and get moving. Obesity is becoming an epidemic in the United States and it’s due to poor diet and lack of exercise. If you’re in pain and if moving...
Start Planning For ‘Hot Tub Season’

Start Planning For ‘Hot Tub Season’

We know. We know! Summer hasn’t even arrived and we’re talking about a soak in a hot tub?! We know that many hot tub owners use their hot tubs more often in the cooler months of the year, even though there are those who use them year round. Start planning...
Fun Ways To Teach Your Children To Swim

Fun Ways To Teach Your Children To Swim

Have you heard the old chestnut that your parents were taught to swim by their parents by simply dropping them into the water. “Sink or swim” they were told. Well, we hope those stories aren’t true, but even if they are, “sink or swim” is...